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Junior Librarians

At Carlton Colville we have a strong reading culture and ethos – it is at the heart of everything we do. All children within Year 5 and 6 are able to apply to be a Junior Librarian and, once appointed, play a crucial role in promoting reading and supporting children with their reading across our school. Junior Librarians are supported by Miss Norman and Mrs Whyte.



Pupil Voice and Leadership Information

Pupil Voice

'It is really fun, you can learn about new books that people are getting'.

'Interesting because you work with a range of people you might not usually speak to'.

Fun, I like seeing different people come into the library'.

I have made stronger friendships with people I work with'.

- It's nice to see younger children reading books.

- It's good to make new friends with children from other years.

- I like having the responsibility.

- I love it!

Junior Librarians in action...

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