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Physical Education

Mrs Gray Mrs Gorst-Allman    
Healthy Hearts Team Healthy Hearts Team    

PE Overview & Key Documents

Below is our whole school PE overview for this academic year. For more detailed information about PE, please view the termly overviews within each of the year group class pages.

Intent - What do we want children to learn?

At Carlton Colville Primary School, we believe that PE is a vitally important part of a child’s development as it provides an environment which children enjoy and become committed to making physical activity a central part of both their home and school life. PE allows the opportunity for children to become motivated and show imagination and creativity when working as part of a team to express ideas and overcome challenges.

To be a sports expert, we focus on the following PE intentions:

  • The develop an in-depth understanding of PE and how it plays an important part of a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • To have high levels of physical fitness.
  • The ability to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and competence by becoming excellent young leaders, organising and evaluating events.
  • Reflect and make appropriate decisions on what needs to be improved.
  • Allow children the opportunity to participate in a range of competitive and creative activities, both as individuals and as part of a team.
  • Confidence and willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson with a highly positive attitude towards physical education.
  • Provide links to other areas of the curriculum and wider school, County and National agendas, linking to two of our curriculum Drivers - ‘Knowledge of the World’ and ‘Community’.
  • To encourage pupils to participate in competitive games, promoting a ‘going for gold’ mentality alongside good sportsmanship values. This links to our third curriculum driver - ‘possibility’, which aims to raise aspiration and encourages our children to “Be the Best You Can Be”.


Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent?

The PE curriculum is led and overseen by our Healthy Hearts Curriculum Team. A regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and staff support takes place. There is an ongoing commitment to evolve and improve the quality and impact of PE on offer to all the children. 

Individual PE sessions are approximately 60 minutes in length. Each PE topic has a sequenced overview outlining recommended number of sessions produced which incorporates cooperative learning techniques, key vocabulary and core concepts. We currently use Get Set 4 PE to help ensure our PE curriculum breadth and depth is challenging and appropriate for all the children. During each academic year every year group undertakes gymnastics, dance, athletics and ball games. KS2 children take part in OAA and swimming. Key vocabulary concepts are chosen and are taught to the children within each PE unit. These are also highlighted on each unit's Curriculum Companion.

We know that children learn best when the curriculum is well sequenced. Children are taught new, and build upon prior, core knowledge, skills, understanding and vocabulary to deepen their conceptual awareness. Children of all abilities develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in each sporting activity area.

Curriculum planning for PE is carried out in three phases: long-term, medium-term and short-term. The long-term plan maps out the PE breadth covered within each year group for each academic term. This ensures the statutory PE Programme of Study are robustly covered across all KS1 and KS2 classes.  The medium-term plans give details of each individual unit of work. All class teachers have full access to the Get Set 4 PE programme ensuring they are fully resourced, prepared and supported.

PE lessons are taught by the class teachers or our Sports Coaches. We do this through a mixture of whole class teaching and individual, pair or group activities.  We fully adhere to the aims of the National Curriculum for Physical Education to ensure all children: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives.

The starter activity at the beginning of every lesson is an opportunity for the children to warm up before moving onto the main section of the lesson. Children are always reminded about the benefits of a warm up before taking part in physical activity and should be encouraged to share the changes that happen to their body during a warm up. As children progress through KS2 they may be asked to lead a warm up to build on their leadership skills. The main section of the PE lesson is appropriately modelled by the teacher/coach and the key vocabulary is used to describe the PE activity being taught. Excellence and trying our best is expected and with frequent reference to our learning skills (aliens) and school values.

We are very lucky to have a large outside area consisting of a playground, a large field, a meadow and wildlife area, a multi-sports arena and an indoor swimming pool. We have two well equipped PE cupboards, one supporting indoor PE and one supporting outdoor PE. Additionally, we have a playtime PE shed which is equipped with resources to support physical activities and games during lunchtimes; this includes all the equipment needed to provide 12 different weekly sports in our outside multi-sports arena.

We have our own on-site indoor swimming pool enabling all children in year 3-6 to participate in 7-14 weeks of swimming lessons every year. This supports all KS2 children to be able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres or more! Swimming lessons are always taught by a specialist swimming teacher. All swimming lessons are supported by shallow water trained Carlton Colville Primary staff.

All staff can continually liaise with the Healthy Hearts Team as well as access lessons plans and teaching resources from Get Set 4 PE.  Staff, who deliver PE, are given access to regular CPD opportunities so that they can upskill and refine their PE subject knowledge. The North Suffolk Sports Partnership also offers a range of PE training which staff access as/when needed.

There are increasing opportunities across the year for children to take part in inter and intra school competitions, as well as sports festivals, where children’s successes in sports are celebrated. As a school, we also host school sports events  including; orienteering, girls football and a healthy outside literacy festival. More events and festivals have been scheduled for 2022-23 academic year.

Every half-term we provide our children with a wide range of extra-curricular sporting activities (before school, during lunchtime and after school) that are fully inclusive, enjoyable and further increase the children’s physical activity. Clubs are available for children from reception to Year 6. These are reviewed and updated every half-term.

Our bespoke assessment systems enables teachers to make informed judgements about the depth learning and the progress each pupil has made over time. Critically this then enables teachers to identify and therefore address any gaps in pupil’s PE skills and knowledge.
Through skilled questioning, teachers pick up on any misconceptions which they rectify through live feedback during the lessons.

Impact - Examples include...

  • Children receive a range of age appropriate PE lessons to develop their skills in games, dance, gymnastics, athletics, OAA and swimming.
  • All KS2 children take part in a daily mile run. Children can walk, jog and are encouraged to run the designated route 3-4 times a week.
  • Over the last year we have hosted sporting events which includes; orienteering and girls football.
  • During 2021-22, 76% of Year 1-6 children have taken part in a lunchtime club.
  • The school offers a broad range of extra-curricular provision: kwik cricket, tag rugby, water polo, modern jazz, karate, dodgeball, high intensity dance and invasion games (to name a few.) 66% of pupils have taken part in a before school or after school club. Children who have not attended an extra-curricular sports club are tracked and encouraged to attend.
  • Children have the opportunity to take part in competitive events run the local sports partnership. Raising aspirations, such as cross country at St Felix School, has helped inspire some of the children to take up regular park runs outside of school.
  • Children in the school understand the importance of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices. Children have developed their knowledge in this area through PE, RSHE and assemblies. One Life Suffolk also runs a 6 week programme with every year group focusing on diet, health and being active.
  • Our pupil leadership roles continue to be a cornerstone of the children’s personal development. Over the last year our year 5/6 Play Leaders have run a wide range of lunchtime sports activities every day. Pupil perception shows that the children enjoy taking part in these activities. “Especially dodgeball,” said one pupil, while another pupil stated “they loved to play golf in the Arena”.

Pupil Voice

Lottie - "I like to balance on a beam, for 8 counts, during gymnastics lessons".

Esme - "PE is good for us because we are doing lots of exercise and it's good for our body".

Rosie - "I'm getting better with my throwing and catching skills".

Alzah - "I enjoy moving and dancing in PE".

Danny - "I like PE because I get to be really active". 

PE in action...

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