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Curriculum Design

Our curriculum encompasses the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. However, this is only one element of the wider school curriculum.

An effective curriculum attains the right balance between what a school must teach and the aims and values identified as specific to your school community.

At Carlton Colville our mission statement is “Be the best you can be” and we have designed our curriculum to be exciting and creative, underpinned by our school values, 8 key learning skills and based around our three ‘curriculum drivers’:

  • Knowledge of the World- Who am I? What is my locality? How do I fit into the wider world?
  • Possibilities- How can I “Be the Best I Can Be”? How can I make the most of my opportunities?
  • Community- How can I take responsibility for my school and local community? How does my community compare with others?

Below are some key documents about our curriculum design. If you have any questions please give us a call and we will talk through our curriculum with you. 

Curriculum Teams

Our curriclum subjects are overseen by teachers who work as part of a curiculum team.  

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